Contamination has been found in Cudahy Park and the DNR is working with the EPA and others to address the issue.
Well, while learning how to stop a dog pulling on a leash takes time, Juliana DeWillems, an expert dog trainer and the owner ...
Of course, we want our pups to be happy from head to tail, but what does happiness look like in dogs? Dog behavior is complex ...
Small and large dogs played with each other at the dog park bar as their owners sat back and relaxed with drinks. Craig ...
Connecticut residents need to be vigilant as bears begin their pre-hibernation “power-eating marathon,” environmental experts ...
Conflicts with bears have tripled in recent years in Connecticut and bears have been observed in all of the state’s 169 ...
Floki sparks wonder among bystanders, because he hangs tough in a game that even humans struggle to get a handle on ...
She loves to bark loudly with her tail wagging when she sees canine or human friends. She often pulls on the ... What kind of ...
The vast majority of Americans feel that their pets are family. There's little that people who cherish their pets won't do to ...
Lee County Sheriff's deputies lent a hand to help the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission corral what they ...
Floki sparks wonder among bystanders, because he hangs tough in a game that even humans struggle to get a handle on.
As Floki’s follower count has grown, partnerships and endorsement deals have come rolling in. Rodrigues and Floki live in the inland capital Brasilia, but often travel to Rio — footvolley’s mecca — ...